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Shenanigans in the Shag Wagon

by Christina Garcia Aug 28, 2024

Nalu Im'i....(I think I'm in love)

After countless trips, one question I get asked often is, “What’s been your favorite trip so far?” As an island girl at heart, I’d naturally say any trip to Hawaii tops the list. But one of the most memorable experiences I’ve had was a SoCal road trip in a 70’s VW Wagon we rented from Vintage Safari Wagons. It was pure adventure! Our VW, named Nalu Im’i, which translates to “I think I am in love,” quickly stole our hearts. These vintage wagons have a soul that you can’t help but connect with.

We started our journey by taking Nalu Im’i to the desert for some wilderness camping in Joshua Tree National Park. The sunset on our first night was breathtaking, with a sky painted in stunning colors over the desert landscape. We were so captivated that we almost forgot to find a campsite! By the time we started looking, it was dark, and all the spots seemed to be taken. Just when we were about to give up, a hippie with waist-length dreads flagged us down and told us a spot had just opened up. It was a good thing we found it because driving Nalu Im’i wasn’t easy. She struggled on hills, had no power steering, and turning her was a workout! Let’s just say speed wasn’t her strong suit, and we were passed by more than a few cars on the way from San Diego to Joshua Tree.

The desert night was colder than we expected, and we spent the night huddled under blankets, trying to stay warm. It was the kind of cold where you don’t dare move for fear of letting in even a sliver of freezing air. The first light of day was a relief, signaling warmer temperatures ahead. The wagon was equipped with a small stove, so we cooked up a cozy breakfast of bacon and eggs before venturing out to find a better campsite. Luck was on our side, and we secured a fantastic spot nestled among giant red boulders. We spent the next few days exploring the park by day and enjoying the warmth of our campfire by night. After that first freezing night, we learned to bundle up in layers before bed, which made a world of difference!

After our desert adventure, we headed back to the SoCal coast to camp on the beach. We spent a couple of nights in South Carlsbad before moving on to Crystal Cove in Laguna Beach for the final two nights. The coastal climate was much warmer, and being near the ocean always feels like home to me. There’s something about the eclectic, surfer vibe in SoCal that I absolutely love. Driving the shag wagon along the coast, we turned plenty of heads. Everywhere we went, we got honks, thumbs up, and shout-outs. People even stopped to pose for selfies with our van—it became a regular occurrence! Though we didn’t have as many adventures on the coast, we spent our time relaxing, soaking in the atmosphere, and enjoying the simple joy of being in the moment.


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